summer Quilt Pattern by No Body

A summer Quilt Pattern

Instructions For This Pattern:

Cut six 10″ x 10″ orange blocks and six 10″ x 10″ blue blocks. Cut four 10″ x 10″ yellow blocks and four 10″ x 10″ blue blocks.

Organize the blocks into a chevron pattern: orange, blue, yellow, blue, orange, blue, yellow, blue.

Cut thirty-six 10″ x 5″ strips of the patterned fabric.

Stitch the thirty-six 10″ x 5″ strips together to create elongated triangles.

Attach the triangles to the top and bottom of the quilt blocks to create an elongated chevron pattern.

Layer the quilt blocks with batting and backing, then quilt.

Lay out the quilt to make sure the pattern is correct.

Trim the edges of the quilt to make sure they are even.

Bind the edges of the quilt with a 2″ orange binding.

Measure the quilt to ensure it is the desired size (the finished quilt should measure approximately 72″ x 90″).

Finish the quilt by hand or machine stitching the binding in place.

Enjoy your finished quilt!

Prompts Used to Generate This AI Assisted Quilt:

Quilt Theme: summer
Colors: orange, blue, yellow
Fabric: simple patterns
Size: 6′ x 10′
Blocks: elongated triangles forming chevrons

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